You are cordially invited to Iseejanemary's implosion
We are more than glad to announce that the mixed media piece GOD IS DEAD| I killed him and I'm glad| has found it's home.
Void Amsterdan
Iseejanemary can be seen there from the 25th of January till the 3rd of February.
VOID has the best ' welcome doormat' you will ever read;
' Nothing exists except atoms and empty space- everything else is opinion. '
We can't imagine a more perfect picture. So come one come all.
The purpose of this piece about portraying the experience of finding one's self. It depicts my personal journey from the outside world to the inside self; Iseejanemary's journey from IFEEL to ISEE are the aftermath of the murder of the God outside in order to find the God inside. The implosion.
Art and illustrations
Visual art editor
Olga Feather
Sound design
Tariq Nahar
Raul Maduro